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February 28 2012 3 28 /02 /February /2012 17:40

Dear Friends,
      This week, I got various text message at intervals of the day that made the day special and made me feel loved.
Think about it, why do we look at our phone several times a day hoping to get that call or that text from someone dear to your heart. Its all because it is our desire that our love is returned. Its the same way God patiently waits for us to communicate with Him, praise Him or appreciate Him throughout the day. He gave His only son to die for us, which is the ultimate kind of love, so take the time to say hi, praise and worship Him through out the day to show that you love Him and appreciate who He is in your life. He is a very jealous lover, so let us find the time to make Him feel important in our lives.


With Love


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  • : soulcare4all
  • : Every one wants to feel cared for:physically,emotionally even in our careers and we get that most often than not. But how often do we care for the souls of the ones around us or our beloved ones. Its time to deeply care and be cared for. Help others on their path to wholeness.
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